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Professional Development Guide
Packed with expert insights and the latest data on PD, this guide is essential reading for anyone involved in the PD space in schools in China—from HR heads to PD leads, school principals to ambitious teachers. 
PD Guide Cover.jpeg
Summer Camp_edited.jpg
Summer Camp Guide 2025
With more families in the Chinese diaspora and expat communities looking to keep their children connected to China, the need for summer programs has grown. We've created a quick guide to summer camps in China for kids coming from abroad — not exhaustive, but a helpful place to start.
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NESSIC Post-Conference Guide

Check out highlights from the NESSIC Leadership Conference in November 2024, with contributions from student journalists.
An overview of the opportunities and benefits of international education in China
China Next Cover.png
Free Reports
The reports we produce cover all aspects of education in China and beyond
WeChat Image_20240305163820.jpg
The best summer camps in the world

February  2024
WeChat Image_20231218174136.jpg
The guide for students with unique interests and ambitions for their higher education
December  2023
Teaching in China cover.jpg
An objective guide for the China-curious teacher.
May  2023
BIS A4 website-cover.jpg
A reflection of the changing landscape for British Independent schools in China.
January  2023
So You Want to Teach_ cover.jpg
A guide to gain an overview of the different global teaching qualifications.
November  2022
Sustainability Qualifications.jpg
A guide for educators and schools in China to become more sustainable.
November  2022
A comprehensive guide to UK university applications. 

April  2022
A comprehensive guide to UK university applications. 

April  2022
British Independent Schools Cover 2022.jpg
Annual overview of trends in British K12 schools in China.

January  2022
Policy analysis Double Relief-01.jpg
An In-depth Analysis of the "Dual Alleviation" Policy.

August  2021
private education promotion law.jpg
Interpretation of the modified Private Education Promotion Law.

May  2021
ENG_COVER_Recruiting and developing teac
A list of reputable recruitment firms and related recruitment advice.

February  2021
British Independent Schools Cover 2021.jpg
Insights into the resilience and growth of British Independent Schools in China.

January  2021
WeChat Image_20201019161007.jpg
Information about UK qualifications for (aspiring) teachers in China.
October  2020
TNE Image-01.jpg
Analysing the key trends, challenges, and big questions moving forward.

September 2020
Investing in UK Education Report_final(E
Insights on UK-China education and investment advice from industry leaders.

August 2020
Chinese investment in uk schools.jpg
The history of purchases and information about schools, investors, trends, and challenges.

June 2020
Can we buy a university cover.jpg
An overview of the UK’s private universities, investment opportunities, and trends.
May 2020
Girls' and women's education in the uk.jpg
The issues facing young girls and women in the UK, and an overview of innovative work being carried out to overcome them.

November 2019

Many of the attitudes and structures that hold women back in the economic sphere stem from education. However, just as education can perpetuate and reinforce prejudices, it can also provide a key to challenging and overcoming them.

Dinah Bennett OBE FHEA

Global Lead For Entrepreneurship Education

Women’s Economic Imperative

Professional development insights for teachers in China.
WeChat Image_20231220181736.jpg
TeachBetter Volume 8
December 2023

Though support for mental health is more accessible than ever in China, understanding root causes and how to support wellbeing before it develops into something more serious, remains an area many lack understanding or confidence in.
Thus, this edition of the TeachBetter newsletter is a resource for teachers to refer to when they are not sure how to best support their students' well-being in the classroom, and even tips for themselves to take home.

WeChat Image_20231220181056.jpg
Carenza Gibson

Venture Education

Membership Manager

TB covers 6.jpg
TeachBetter Volume 6

March 2023
TB covers.jpg
TeachBetter Volume 5

November 2022
TB covers.jpg
TeachBetter Volume 4

May 2022
TB covers3.jpg
TeachBetter Volume 3

April  2022
TB covers2.jpg
TeachBetter Volume 2 

January 2022
TB covers4.jpg
TeachBetter Volume 1

October  2021
Commissioned Reports
We provide our clients with in depth research and analyses on the education market in China; most are private but some are publicly available.
A comprehensive look at the Mongolian Education Sector and its developments and trends.

December 2019
Opportunities and challenges there may be for British education companies in Hainan's free trade area.

June 2019
Policies thumbnail.jpg
An analysis of the major policy trends affecting British education companies across EdTech, TVET, K-12 and early-years education.
June 2019
An overview of education policies and opportunities on China's Belt and Road.

February 2019

I would like to personally and professionally recommend Venture Education. They are vital members of the British Chamber of Commerce, and in the four years we have been collaborating I have been exceptionally impressed with everything they have done.

Steven Lynch

Managing Director, British Chamber of Commerce in China 

Translated Reports
We translate and adapt key reports in education so that we can share global best practice.
The process from start to finish of the creation of the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks.

July 2019
A guide for individuals and organisations who want to use EntreComp to foster entrepreneurial learning.

November 2018
A reflection of current thinking and practice in Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Education.

January 2018
Impact Reports
We run incredible projects in China and these reports give valuable insight into how we did it. 
Screen Shot 2020-02-12 at 12.03.22
A joint programme with the British Chamber of Commerce to elevate young professionals’ key employability skills.

July 2019
Screen Shot 2020-02-12 at 1.15.43 PM.png
Our 'girls' education and empowerment' initiative to inspire young women to become leaders in their future.

December 2019
Screen Shot 2020-02-13 at 5.06.41 PM.png
A British education festival in Ulaanbaatar, held in partnership with the British Embassy in Mongolia, that hosted thousands of attendees.

October 2019
Professional Development Guide
Packed with expert insights and the latest data on PD, this guide is essential reading for anyone involved in the PD space in schools in China—from HR heads to PD leads, school principals to ambitious teachers. 
PD Guide Cover.jpeg
Summer Camp_edited.jpg

China Next
An overview of the opportunities and benefits of international education in China
China Next Cover.png
Free Reports
The reports we produce cover all aspects of education in China and beyond
WeChat Image_20240305163820.jpg
The best summer camps in the world

February  2024
WeChat Image_20231218174136.jpg
The guide for students with unique interests and ambitions for their higher education
December  2023
Teaching in China cover.jpg
An objective guide for the China-curious teacher.
May  2023
BIS A4 website-cover.jpg
A reflection of the changing landscape for British Independent schools in China.
January  2023
So You Want to Teach_ cover.jpg
A guide to gain an overview of the different global teaching qualifications.
November  2022
Sustainability Qualifications.jpg
A guide for educators and schools in China to become more sustainable.
November  2022
A comprehensive guide to UK university applications. 

April  2022
A comprehensive guide to UK university applications. 

April  2022
British Independent Schools Cover 2022.jpg
Annual overview of trends in British K12 schools in China.

January  2022
Policy analysis Double Relief-01.jpg
An In-depth Analysis of the "Dual Alleviation" Policy.

August  2021
private education promotion law.jpg
Interpretation of the modified Private Education Promotion Law.

May  2021
ENG_COVER_Recruiting and developing teac
A list of reputable recruitment firms and related recruitment advice.

February  2021
British Independent Schools Cover 2021.jpg
Insights into the resilience and growth of British Independent Schools in China.

January  2021
WeChat Image_20201019161007.jpg
Information about UK qualifications for (aspiring) teachers in China.
October  2020
TNE Image-01.jpg
Analysing the key trends, challenges, and big questions moving forward.

September 2020
Investing in UK Education Report_final(E
Insights on UK-China education and investment advice from industry leaders.

August 2020
Chinese investment in uk schools.jpg
The history of purchases and information about schools, investors, trends, and challenges.

June 2020
Can we buy a university cover.jpg
An overview of the UK’s private universities, investment opportunities, and trends.
May 2020
Girls' and women's education in the uk.jpg
The issues facing young girls and women in the UK, and an overview of innovative work being carried out to overcome them.

November 2019

Many of the attitudes and structures that hold women back in the economic sphere stem from education. However, just as education can perpetuate and reinforce prejudices, it can also provide a key to challenging and overcoming them.

Dinah Bennett OBE FHEA

Global Lead For Entrepreneurship Education

Women’s Economic Imperative

Professional development insights for teachers in China.
WeChat Image_20231220181736.jpg
TeachBetter Volume 8
December 2023

Though support for mental health is more accessible than ever in China, understanding root causes and how to support wellbeing before it develops into something more serious, remains an area many lack understanding or confidence in.
Thus, this edition of the TeachBetter newsletter is a resource for teachers to refer to when they are not sure how to best support their students' well-being in the classroom, and even tips for themselves to take home.

WeChat Image_20231220181056.jpg
Carenza Gibson

Venture Education

Membership Manager

TB covers 6.jpg
TeachBetter Volume 6

March 2023
TB covers.jpg
TeachBetter Volume 5

November 2022
TB covers.jpg
TeachBetter Volume 4

May 2022
TB covers3.jpg
TeachBetter Volume 3

April  2022
TB covers2.jpg
TeachBetter Volume 2 

January 2022
TB covers4.jpg
TeachBetter Volume 1

October  2021
Commissioned Reports
We provide our clients with in depth research and analyses on the education market in China; most are private but some are publicly available.
A comprehensive look at the Mongolian Education Sector and its developments and trends.

December 2019
Opportunities and challenges there may be for British education companies in Hainan's free trade area.

June 2019
Policies thumbnail.jpg
An analysis of the major policy trends affecting British education companies across EdTech, TVET, K-12 and early-years education.
June 2019
An overview of education policies and opportunities on China's Belt and Road.

February 2019

I would like to personally and professionally recommend Venture Education. They are vital members of the British Chamber of Commerce, and in the four years we have been collaborating I have been exceptionally impressed with everything they have done.

Steven Lynch

Managing Director, British Chamber of Commerce in China 

Translated Reports
We translate and adapt key reports in education so that we can share global best practice.
The process from start to finish of the creation of the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks.

July 2019
A guide for individuals and organisations who want to use EntreComp to foster entrepreneurial learning.

November 2018
A reflection of current thinking and practice in Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Education.

January 2018
Impact Reports
We run incredible projects in China and these reports give valuable insight into how we did it. 
Screen Shot 2020-02-12 at 12.03.22
A joint programme with the British Chamber of Commerce to elevate young professionals’ key employability skills.

July 2019
Screen Shot 2020-02-12 at 1.15.43 PM.png
Our 'girls' education and empowerment' initiative to inspire young women to become leaders in their future.

December 2019
Screen Shot 2020-02-13 at 5.06.41 PM.png
A British education festival in Ulaanbaatar, held in partnership with the British Embassy in Mongolia, that hosted thousands of attendees.

October 2019
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